PreCare & PostCare Instructions
PreCare Instructions:
No coffee the day of procedure.
No aspirin the day of procedure.
You may take extra-strength Tylenol, if you have a low pain
tolerance. Dont worry, I numb you.
Wash your hair the morning or night before procedure.
Wax one week prior if you like the shape your brow girl/guy gives you.
Or, grow out your brows completely and I will work with as much natural hair you have and then give you a shape you want.
PostCare Instructions:
Day 1 to day 15: Wash your brows in a circular motion morning and night with gold dail soap. Dab dry. Apply aquaphor or A and D ointment after you wash.
Day 10 to day 30: DO NOT PICK OFF YOUR SCABS! Picking off scabs will pull out the pigment. If your brows are itchy you may use a thin layer of aloe vera gel on your brows.